The Ultimate Battle Royale Fortnite Guide
Improve your knowledge and skill for obtaining those Victory Royals!
Still haven't earned that Victory Royale?
Well now you will be able to earn those victory royal's with all the information in one course.
The Ultimate Guide includes:
- A informational guide to understand the works of the battle royale game mode. Learning everything from when to jump, map information, start game, eye of the storm, item list, weapon list, farming, and extra tips!
- The building guide will teach you the building basics, build settings, basics of editing, advanced editing, traps, play styles, and build fights.
- The Shooting guide provides you with information on gun control, shooting settings, and weapon knowledge.
- Including a bonus guide for additional tips for the final battles.
How does the course work?
- This course specifically will be broken down into 4 guides. Each guide will contain broken down information on each of the important sections of the game. Most of the course is learning the knowledge be hide the game with tips and tricks along the way. It will provide you with written work and example videos of Fortnite Battle Royale.
Your Instructor
I'm a white washed Mexican gamer who uploads explicit content on YouTube. Subscribe for Gaming, Vlogs, bucket list, and podcast videos! I created Spectre to improve and expand on my content creations on YouTube. After hours of editing and recording tune into my after hour livestreams on Twitch. Also if your interested follow my Instagram and watch the ELPOPPS Journey.