When and Where to Jump

When and where to jump

  • The direction of the bus is very important when the game first begins. Wherever the bus begins will most likely have 15-30 players jump right from the start. This means the first couple of areas are gonna be very busy.

  • As the bus keeps moving along the majority of the players will be jumping and spreading throughout the map. Meaning the end of the bus route has less players to deal with.

Best Practice Locations

  • Now when your ready to jump, the goal is to land and obtain loot first. You want to be about 300 meters away from your destination to pull out your glider which is about one square unit of Fortnite’s map.

  • Aiming for the lowest point of the map avoiding hills and trees allows the player to pull the glider out much sooner and potentially landing faster.

  • If your trying to land farther away avoid diving straight down and spam the glider to keep redeploying you glider to help maintain your height.

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  • As your gliding to your destination be sure to keep moving forward and also looking for other players locations. Giving you more information on which way to move away from or where to push to.
  • When picking your destination i would recommend going through doors, garages and any of opening buildings. The reasoning would be to avoid wasting time breaking in, when you could be looting and finding a weapon to defend yourself.

  • Also some great locations to land are any towns on the edge of the map. Less players to deal with and with some decent loot.
  • Don't forget to avoid players who are already landing on buildings!

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